Our mitigation plan to address measures to combat the spread of COVID-19.
- Temperatures will be taken before entering the school building for on-site support
- Social distancing will be practiced when possible
- Washable face masks will be provided for each student on the first day, August 17, 2020. Parents will be responsible for the care and regular washing of the masks. If the student/parent chooses or if the student loses the mask provided, students can wear other face masks, face shields or bandanas, but those items must be provided by the parent. Remember: no mask, no on-site instruction
- Desks will be placed as close as possible to 6 feet apart, and turned to face the same direction
- Students will be encouraged to wash their hands often and to use a Kleenex when sneezing or coughing
- Parents or visitors will not be allowed on campus, except for an emergency situation
- Sharing of supplies, such as math manipulatives, and other items will be discouraged and will be cleaned between use before sharing
- Students are required to bring their own water bottles as drinking fountains will be turned off
- Door handles, light switches, and sink handles, will be cleaned during the day
- The school will be disinfected with a Disinfecting Mister daily after 3:05pm